Wednesday, February 02, 2011

VA-ALERT: URGENT ALERT - Federal Magazine Gun Ban!

Taking a quick break between "Project Gunwalker" posts to pass along an urgent alert from VCDL, passed on to me. Sorry, no time to purty it up:
Can you punch out to your groups? This is Schumer's way of stopping McConnell's vote against Obamacare, and I can see the Dead Elephants saying "the symbolic win on Obamacare is worth the ire of the nut-job community."

> From:
> Subject: VA-ALERT: URGENT ALERT - Federal Magazine Gun Ban!
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 11:48:28 -0500
> I just got word that there may be an attempt to slip a magazine ban similar to the one proposed by anti-gun Congresswoman Caroline McCarthy into a normally benign Federal Aviation Administration bill using an amendment in the U.S. Senate.
> They can't really "sneak" it on without a vote on the amendment and therein lies our defense against it.
> I contacted Senator Warner's and Senator Webb's office and they confirmed that they have gotten phone calls on this issue this morning from concerned constituents. They say nothing is on the docket for *today* and they can't yet confirm the validity of the rumor, but they are working on doing so.
> Either way, we need to play this safe and flood both offices with calls letting both Senator Warner and Senator Webb know that magazine bans are not acceptable and to please oppose any effort to impose such a ban in any way.
> Call Senator Jim Webb's office at: 202-224-4024 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              202-224-4024      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
> Call Senator Mark Warner's office at: 202-224-2023 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              202-224-2023      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
> Let's Roll!
> -------------------------------------------
> ***************************************************************************
> VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
> (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
> dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
> Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
> VCDL web page: []


SavaShip said...

Get a Bill Number on that, the only aviation bill I could find is HB 1422, which doesn't say anything about firearms whatsoever. Some house morons who don't know what barrel shrouds are might be talking about putting it in the bill, but it would not get out of the rules committee if she somehow managed to get it in there. Can anyone confirm or deny this is HB 1422?

Defender said...

I always get a nice letter thanking me for my comments, and an assurance that they will balance our rights with the need for security and public safety.
But... once more into the breach.

Defender said...

A lawyer's suicide by cop after an alleged "domestic." Word is he CAME OUT OF HIS HOUSE to shoot at police after letting his wife and daughter leave.
The Slimes-Disgrace says he has two actual submachine guns -- an H&K MP5 and a Thompson -- along with more usual guns (including a semi-auto M4gery). He was a gun dealer. No doubt they were legally owned.
The local TVs called it "a large stash" of guns. Sounds like something a ... a CRIMINAL would have, doesnt it?
He was also taking Xanax (generic) which is used for anxiety and panic disorders.
Oh, goody.
1/4 of Americans are taking SOMETHING. Life is discouraging.
The last paragraph seems to indicate he had STOPPED taking his medicine.
Let the blood dancing begin.

Defender said...

Sorry, read it wrong. Looks like he took twice the Xanax he should have, plus maybe with beer.
Like Brian Aitken, someone was WORRIED about him and called the cops.