Friday, April 08, 2011

DOJ stonewalling continues with response to House Judiciary Committee

"Unfortunately, at this time, we are not in a position to answer your questions in greater detail." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes fortune has nothing to do with it.

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1 comment:

W W Woodward said...

I wonder if maybe waterboarding Holder and Melson might be effective and necessary. They're sure not responding to more humane measures.

Also on my "Wondering?" list. I wonder if Holder and Melson really exist. If they do, they've got to be the most disrespectful appointed bureaucrats in DC. They have both refused to personally acknowledge the authority of members of Congress with as much as a scribbled memo, much less a written response to the letters directed to them. They have both relied on Holder's "Hey Boy", Ronald Weich, to fabricate their half truths and transparent attempts at positive PR.

Sorta like a wart hog trying to draw attention to the pearl in its ear.
