Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We're the Only Ones Judgmental Enough

She said other officers explained to her that they have families too and they want to make it home alive each night. [More]
Those of us already in our homes with our families and trying to live our lives in peace would like to stay that way, too.  And we'd appreciate it if you had the judgment to get the damn address right before initiating an armed raid.

[Via William T]


Old Easterner said...

Lucky for them they didn't own a dog.

Mack said...

Reading the comments from that story seem to indicate that more and more people are realizing this is now a police state.

MamaLiberty said...

Personally, I don't care if they've got the "right address." Most of THOSE people are innocent victims as well.

Eliminate the police state and the stupid "war" on everything, and then we can talk about the "right address."

David Codrea said...

And while we're at it, we might ask why process servers are able to serve subpoenas to all kinds of people without resorting to no-knock home invasions...