Thursday, May 26, 2011

Civil rights group opposes Brady Center on concealed carry

CORE's interest in this case stems from the fact that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for self defense is an important civil right that was denied to African Americans under the antebellum Slave Codes, the Black Codes passed just after the Civil War, and under the Jim Crow regimes that persisted into the twentieth century. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders what size sheets we should buy for Brady Center Klan enablers.  Do you think we also need to get them waterproof mattress pads..?


Anonymous said...

What Happened to James Brady in 1981 is terrible and tragic, no one will deny that. However, Brady and his wife have been trying to disarm the American public for many years. An entire country should not have to pay for what John Hinkley did.

If people want to play the blame game, blame the Secret Service. I have watched that footage a hundred times. Not one of the over-paid, over-glorified goons even noticed Hinkley that day. Once he started shooting, they looked like bumbling idiots. Sure makes me feel safe.

Chas said...

The Brady Center should be prosecuted for conspiracy to deprive Americans of their civil rights. Helmke should be wearing white sneakers and an orange jumpsuit like the ones he means to put on gun owners. Lock him up!