Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Weiner gives insight into mind of someone who does not trust us with freedom

Let every subversive attempt on your part to disarm your countrymen be met with the reminder that you are a defective, craven wretch who can’t—or more likely won’t—control himself.

No way in hell you’re going to control us. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes that the projections of a twisted freak should not reflect on the rest of us.

Also catch up with  the latest Gunwalker developments and attend a wiener roast in Massachusetts by way of Wyoming...


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Did you see Chris "Furrowing Up My Leg" Matthews musing on the possibility of transferring some of the blame to Weiner's wife?

The degeneracy of that crowd is utterly unfathomable

Anonymous said...

Talk about a freak show.