Friday, July 01, 2011

How to Tell if You're Being Swindelled

A good rule of thumb--if he complains you're tarring him with a broad brush and then makes the accusation that if you oppose the Swindler in Chief it's because you're a racist...[Read]

Oh, and he's all for guns, too, except, with the typical regressive big "but"-- he can't help taking a swipe at "unlimited weapons acquisition, extended clips and other mechanisms for murder," and adds the insult that we need to police ourselves because the murderers evidently must come from our ranks, as opposed to, say, from the incubator of collectivist regressivism.

Pretty clumsy con job there, chief. Sorry, not buying your snake oil.

Here--you dropped your pea.


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

He's up to his armpits in alligators in the "Gunwalker" scandal, but so far, he's successfully kept his hand hidden. But, ain't no way he's not involved.

Anonymous said...

Accusations of "racism," whatever that word even means, are the Left's rhetorical H-bomb. When you start hearing it, it normally means they have nothing of substance to say.