Friday, September 16, 2011


If by that they mean unintentionally locked up by design... [Read]

Oh, and look: Rather than admit they're buffoons, they "did something very 21st Century."

Except the principle of historical revisionism for political purposes is actually very 20th Century, and no surprise, mastered by their ideological forebears.


Ed said...

"Hit the 'reset' button"?
Is that the high-tech way of saying that you unplugged it and then plugged it back in?

Sean said...

One of the commentors over at Malkins' site said that the tea party was responsible for a 700 pt. drop in the stock market, and that's what's wrong with people who like Malkin.I expect in the near future that lying scumbag leftists will get even more shrill and crazy with what they say. A leftist female on CNN said this morning, with indignant disdain, that Obongo was trusted on the economy by 60% of the American people, over the GOP. Well, I don't trust the GOP at all, but I can imagine she's getting her "trust Obongo" BS out of thin air.