Thursday, September 01, 2011

There Oughtta be a Law!

"Captive hunting for both native wildlife and exotic wildlife should be illegal," says the Humane Society's Casey Pheiffer. [More]

And if identical principles were invoked, why would slaughtering captive domesticated animals be permitted in Casey's world?


Carl-Bear said...

I assume that was a rhetorical question, but for readers who might think that the HSUS is just about getting cute fuzzy animals adopted...

HSUS is militantly vegan and pro-animal rights. They oppose hunting (captive or not) and killing and eating critters. I'll have to look around to see if I still have it, but they once sent me the damnedest vegan cookbook.

Chas said...

It's still legal to eat meat. Some people want to change that too. They think they have a shot against canned hunts, so they're working from there.
These "anti" groups always make their demands for government prohibition on moral grounds, but they never see anything wrong with using the government as a blunt instrument with which to ram their views down the throats of others. They are monsters who seek to keep their own hands clean by having the government victimize their fellow man for them while they merely smile.