Saturday, October 08, 2011

It’s not a question of guns and weed not mixing

“OK, David, so you just finished a joint and you’re on your way to the range, right?” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary expands on my new GUNS Magazine column and this past week's Trigger Sports Live! interview.


Living in Babylon said...

Thank you, Dave, for your intellectual honesty on this issue.

My position as the Cheech & Chong of gunbloggers will remain safe, never fear.

The real issue is not weed or guns, but the fact that the ATF is issuing rulings from on high denying gun rights to American citizens willy nilly and without consequence.

Jah blessings on you for all your good work.

Chas said...

ATF goon squads can run around with submachine guns, but granny can't have a revolver to protect herself from the local gangbangers because she has a prescription for medical marijuana? Who thinks that makes sense?
The right to keep and bear arms protects the right to live. One should only lose that right under the most extreme circumstances, since loss of it can amount to a death sentence. The anti's would take away that right for getting a ticket for an expired parking meter if they could, or for no reason at all, as they have done.