Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Special counsel for Gunwalker must be truly independent

While an independent counsel is needed, expecting a truly independent one to be appointed by a department that is up to its neck in stonewalling and cover-up, by a president whose own role and interests are appropriate for scrutiny, is at best problematic, and at worst a recipe for ensuring those responsible for “Project Gunwalker” are never held accountable for actions that have resulted in human deaths on both sides of the border. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report cautions against settling for second best.


Anonymous said...

So hat's the deal on Operation Wide Receiver?

David Codrea said...

Still digesting it--I put the CI in the reports in touch with Issa's committee investigators in August. If gunwalking to MX can be proven, hang 'em high. Equal opportunity here, boss.