Thursday, October 27, 2011

When in Rome...

This just pisses me off... [Read]


J.B. Books said...

Stop the stupidity already.

Robert Fowler said...

Whinyass crybabies. Do they not understand the concept of "private" university?

David Codrea said...

From a Sun Tzu "know your enemy" perspective, I'd say they understand it just fine.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is DoJ even looking at this? DC is obviously teeming with seditious slimeballs and criminal entrepreneurs.

W W Woodward said...

According to Wikipedia The Catholic University of America was Established in 1887 as a graduate and research center and began accepting under-graduate students in 1904.

I’ve conducted a limited Google search on the school and have, to date, found not one single instance of anyone connected with the school in the school's 100+ year history having engaged in the practice of roping and dragging a person of any faith onto campus and subjecting him to a force fed education.

Here again is an example of intolerance attempting to force itself upon the tolerant.


Ed said...

I bet you they sometimes serve bacon for breakfast and ham sandwiches for lunch in the dining halls.