Wednesday, November 09, 2011

First They Came for the "Civilians"...

And I didn't speak out because I fancied myself an "Only One"...[Read]

Welcome to the party, pals.

Your turn in the barrel.

As it should be.  I say close ALL the cop "loopholes."



John Benson said...

First,my sympathies to the Brian Terry family,and I hope they find some kind of peace,and true justice...soon.
I've been watching Holder,get questioned about F&F.What a small person.Another one of Caligula's hand picked thugs.Reckon he's ever even fired a gun?
If something major ever happens,you can bet your ass,they'll all be running over each other,hiding somewhere.
It's a damned shame that the supposed top cop in this country is so miserably unqualified.Just like Napolitano.What a disgrace.
As a retired Police Officer,I just wonder how the citizens of this country can take these people seriously.A 300 pound extremely unattractive woman(I think),is protecting this country?
One thing's for sure,the dumbing down of America was a success.When are people like Holder going to jail,instead of being immune from everything.
After working with both state and federal prisoners,especially the drug offenders,I learned one undeniable truth...even if they weren't actively snorting,or smoking cocaine,it leaves this burning brand on their behavior,and thought patterns...forever.
When will the chickens come home to roost Rev. Wright?Well,the chickens have it!Just proves once can't make chicken salad out of chicken sh%$

Teke said...

I mean how dare you be out buying cool stuff.
Unless it's made by the fruit company.
"A guy can't be in the habit of every year or two buying another one," Ramos said. "You can't just be out buying these cool weapons."

Ed said...

"A 300 pound extremely unattractive woman(I think),is protecting this country?"

Are you sure you are thinking about the Supreme Court?