Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Get Rid of the Guns

Peabody's boy Sherman here will protect you with his moving plea.

See, if you just get rid of inanimate objects, we'll all be drinkin' that free Bubble-Up and eatin' that rainbow stew.

Sounds like the judge is dropping some other kind of movement on us...

From the comments so far, it looks like the serfs are eating it up.  If you're happy and you know it, clank your chains...


W W Woodward said...

Just from what I read in the NYT column: Layne was already in jail and was using the jail’s pay phones to run his drug business. Stupid! And, Hernandez and Brown were on the street following the orders of a loser who was too stupid to stay out of jail. STUPID!

Looks as if drugs and guns may not be the real problem.


Chris Mallory said...

Hey David, check out where Mad Mike claims he has the 7th largest army in the world at his command.

Ned said...

So - it was "guns in Harlem homes" that caused this?
Just collect and jail the offending guns, right judge?
Does anyone on Harlem understand just how racist this statement is?
Where's the outcry from "the usual suspects?"