Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gungrabbers equate armed self-defenders with ‘executioners’

Denial and misplacing blame seem to be common traits plaguing the gun ban crowd, and Haas is no exception. Her experience has turned her into not just a vocal anti-gunner, but one who regards the act of armed self defense as an act of evil...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at just who the anti-gunners--in their own words--regard as their "brothers."  Hint: It ain't you and me.


Robert Fowler said...

What a liberal idiot pisswit. Since when does being related to someone wounded in a attack make you a expert? Reminds me of Joan Peterson, beating people with the corpse of her dead sister.

Mack said...

She, and Colin Goddard, serve as Judas Goats.

They are not MY leaders. No thanks.