Monday, January 30, 2012

Expanding the Lexicon

AP's Yost Ignores Fri. Fast and Furious Doc Dump... [More]

Hell, why not? According to them, the whole damn story hardly qualifies as news.

Maybe Mike and I need to start referring to ourselves as "undocumented journalists"--you know, we're doing the jobs the "Authorized" ones won't do...

And maybe we ought to start using a new word:

yōst: transitive verb
a : to intentionally ignore a story that conflicts with a media outlet's political agenda.

b: to manipulate basic story elements to provoke a conclusion in readers that supports a media outlet's political agenda.

c: to clog a closet bend underneath a toilet. Also see yost (noun)--the material cause of the clog itself, as in "Who wrote this yost?" and in verb/gerund form: "He was straining while yosting and ruptured a blood vessel in his eye."

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Grumpyunk said...

Remind me not to piss you off, ok?