Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Is ‘Occupy movement' trying to replace Constitution?

Restraints like requiring a declaration of war to commit troops and holding those troops to an Oath-Keeping standard are hardly reflective of “progressive” ideology.  Nor are petitioning for sound fiscal policy, rejecting debt incurred through unconstitutional legislative actions,  or the other petitions for redress of grievances they present for our consideration.  If I have one beef, it’s that they don’t specifically include a petition for the right to keep and bear arms, although they do address it—along with our right to form militias—in the sidebar video. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report questions an unfounded attack.  I've emailed Joseph Farah of WND.com and told him this is my rebuttal, especially since the piece on their site seems to be ginning up quite a bit of undeserved anger.

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