Monday, January 02, 2012

We're the Only Ones Smrt* Enough

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops [More]

Take it away, Mayor Rizzo  (side 2 at 11:43).


[Via William T]


Sean D Sorrentino said...

You know, that would explain a lot.

We can't have smart cops questioning the efficacy of the silly law enforcement measures they are required to impose. Can't have that at all.

aferrismoon said...

Oddly 'smrt' in Czech means 'death'


David Codrea said...

Pasting comment left under different post:
Beat And Release has left a new comment on your post "Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...":

Here is a search and seizure case you should enjoy reading about:

I love (not really) the comments from cops at the link and on their Facebook story about the article. Here is a sample:

"if their doing drugs who cares if it violates their rights :)"

As a retired officer, it pains me to see just how many idiots are currently employed in the field today.


Beat & Release