Friday, February 24, 2012

Anti-gun activists and complicit press aid Mexico’s call for U.S. ‘gun control’

Curious that the group Haugaard leads, Latin America Working Group, blames “misguided U.S. policies” for “thousands of deaths [and] human rights abuses on both sides of the border,” instead of the murderous cartels, who might hang then from bridges with chains around their necks if they get too sassy. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at public/private partnerships. You know, fascists.

1 comment:

Chas said...

Markie Marxist sez: "Mo' contro'! Mo' contro'! Mo contro'! Was that hipster enough? I mean, because if it wan't hipster enough, then I can redo it if it wasn't hipster enough. Just let me know. Ya know."