Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Window of Opportunity

I received a heads-up this was coming, and here it is. [More]

Why the 1-day "Open Period?" Ask yourself what purpose a 24-hour window serves, and whether or not it is intended to be communicated only to a select few "team players" via email trees to avoid notice and scrutiny, and then ask yourself if this is an agency that deserves our automatic trust when it does things semi-covertly--especially things that ought to be completely open.


Matthew said...

It was announced to and reposted by the Justice Center (School of Justice) at my university (Univ Alaska Anchorage.

Not quite on the "down-low" or discrete, possibly just advertised where likely employees might be.

Chas said...

Better to work at a landfill - it wouldn't stink so much.