Thursday, March 01, 2012

‘Operation #EFAD’ using social media to send anti-tyranny message

  • First, you don’t need a Kindle device. An application that lets you read ebooks on a PC is available as a free download at Amazon. Likewise, they offer a free app for the Mac.
  • Once you have the program installed, simply go to Amazon’s EFAD page and download your free book.
  • Then do one other thing: Spread the word. To everyone. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report lets you download a great book for free, and send a message to the government and media about Fast and Furious and other outrages. It includes an interview with author Matthew Bracken. Your help is needed to make his project go viral.


NY Mike said...

Before I read your post today I read about the social media monitored words by the DHS. What a world/country we live in today. Orwell was off by a few years.

jon said...

i recommend calibre over the alternatives.

Lergnom said...

I got the download this morning, even though I bought the dead-tree version when it first came out.

Stay safe