Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bill O’Reilly perpetuates Fast and Furious ‘screw up’ meme

“Why the big cover up unless there’s something there they’re covering up,” Walsh responded.

“Like what?” O’Reilly challenged. “A bribe? I mean, what could it possibly be?” [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner explains the difference in standards between rich, powerful, influential, establishment-preferred "news" media stars and lowly citizen journalists.

1 comment:

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Mr. O'Reilly just doesn't get it where the 2A is concerned. Remember, he's the one who just dismissed the other man's opinion on the gun grab in NOLA as extreme, so he's going to support Holder on this by saying, "It's just a screwup." Never mind that it was deliberate, and the deaths were actively sought out by the government thugs for justifying more attacks on the 2A.