Monday, May 21, 2012

Core Constituency

53,000 Dead Voters Found in Florida [More]
But requiring ID would be racist.

Except for this.


Anonymous said...

Dead people voting is an old and honored Dhimmicrat traditiion here in Texas. I don't know if LBJ coulda ever gotten ELECTED if it hadn't been for him getting the dead vote.

Anonymous said...

My late mother was from Texas where I once heard the following joke (?):

The local preacher, out for his daily walk, found little Johnny sitting on the curb crying.

The preacher sat down next to Johnny and asked why he was so sad, to which Johnny replied that his father hadn't come to visit him.

Perplexed, the preacher reminded Johnny that his father had died some years back and couldn't visit.

Johnny replied: "Then how come he came back and voted for Lyndon Johnson?"
