Wednesday, May 16, 2012

An Unindicted Hater

This way, inconvenient outcasts can be officially portrayed that way even if no charges end up being filed. [Read]

Don't tell this guy, who if he had a grandson would look like George Zimmerman...


Michael Gilson said...

All this despite the medical evidence of Zimmerman's head trauma, and the only injury Martin received other than the gun shot wound was bruised knuckles.

W W Woodward said...

It appears to be a foregone conclusion. George Zimmerman is screwed. Shades of Rodney King. Convicted (prejudged) by the court of uninformed public opinion and/or political correctness.

I will not be surprised if, in order to avoid being prosecuted and surely convicted in federal court of the more serious crime, Zimmerman opts to change his plea to "guilty" in the state court and accept a lessor punishment.

I could be wrong.


precision said...

I have never been in George's shoes so my statement is not tested, but I have been on the receiving end of several beatings because I would NOT admit to something I did not do.

The Feds (and the state for that matter) would have to convict me - PUBLICLY before I would do any time. I certainly would not give in to the pressure of the BS this administration is putting out.

Besides, if he can hold out until we get a regime change, things might get a bit more sane.

Anonymous said...

The headline reads FBI may charge George Zimmerman with hate crime. Gee!? When did the FBI get into the business of charging people? I thought that was something the courts did.

The 3rd paragraph reads FBI investigators are actively questioning witnesses in the retreat at the Twin Lakes neighborhood, seeking evidence for a possible federal hate crime charge. I thought you collected evidence and THEN draw conclusions. Sounds like thes folks already have a "conclusion" made and are just trying to dig up dirt to support it.

I agree with WWWoodward. Zimmerman doesn't have the chance of a snowflake on the casing of a 100 megaton thermonuke. Looks like the Department of INjustice doesn't trust the hicks down in Florida.