Sunday, May 06, 2012

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Some of you have noticed it's been a few days since Mike last posted. I called him earlier this morning and he was too ill to speak.  He just called me back moments ago and he's somewhat better now--the struggle and the ups and downs continue.

I filled him in on a new angle I'm working on in re the contempt citation draft--an inquiry I sent to some key staffers that hopefully will yield more information--but didn't want to overtax him with too much. He says he may be posting later today.  Fingers crossed.


Pvt.Joker said...

Thanks, David. Prayers out.

MamaLiberty said...

Thanks, David. I loaded WoG again just to see if you had an update on Mike.

Prayers ongoing...

Anonymous said...

David, Please forward this to Mike and his family. If the MRSA is still out of control, I would try this.

Here is something that could kill the MRSA, ultra high doses of Vitamin C. Here is one man's survival story thanks to IV Vitamin C.

rustynail said...

Thanks for the update David. I came here particularly to find out if anything is wrong ... and it is.
