Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Dreams of My Father: From Hell to Breakfast

There he was, hot metal charring into his blistering hands, trying to get that machine gun unjammed as wave after wave of Von Rundstedt's crack Imperial Japanese troops, bolstered by their Bushido death code, advanced mercilessly on the Ardennes in a desperate offensive...

"Follow me, NOW, you worthless dogfaces! Do you want to live forever?" Sgt. Obama roared in defiance, clenched molars almost biting through the smoking White Owl stub, grabbing his lifeless corporal's BAR and leaping from the trench as a hail of 8 cm Granatwerfer 34s burst about his charging feet.

"Move, Move MOVE!"

"We may not be able to take that bunker, but by God I aim to put a dent in it!"

Yeah, I know. Japanese at The Bulge.  Just watch.  It makes about as much sense as 57 states.

[Via Lou V]


Crotalus said...

"Von Rundstedt's Imperial JAPANESE troops"???? WTF???

Oh, yeah. this is the Great Fantasizer.

His father served in WWII? With which army? Daddy was Kenyan, was he not?

Tasso said...

He was raised by his maternal grandparents, his grandfather was a WW2 vet.

David Codrea said...

His grandfather wasn't his father...or was he?

Ed said...

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - Bluto, played by Johnn Belushi in "animal House".

Crotalus said...

Heh! "I'm my own Gran'pa!"