Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The Most Important Press Conference in U.S. History

Part I.

Part II.

So naturally it will go unnoticed by most and unpublicized by the "Authorized Journalists."  And naturally, the ones bringing this to us in spite of that are struggling to keep the doors open.

A generality I've noticed: "We" have the grassroots. "They" don't.  "They" have the financial backers. "We" don't.

There is a way around that--but it means "we" need to actually be personally willing to commit effort and treasure.  Unfortunately, another generality I've noticed is that much of the professed support limits itself to making an occasional comment on a blog post--when it comes time to actually do something, be it to send a small donation or volunteer some time or send a letter or email, or even share a frickin' link, far too many figure somebody else is going to do it and the absence of their shoulder from the wheel won't be missed.

I wish I knew how to change that, but I don't.  And I fear much suffering that could have been prevented will visit us all because of it.

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