Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Sweeping Observation

For representing themselves as such egalitarians, the regressives sure are pretty elitist and superior in the way they're dismissing armed janitors on various posts covering the story. I guess if the working poor were qualified to do anything but vote for those from whom all blessings flow, they wouldn't have such crappy jobs, right?

If these champions of social justice truly were interested in equality and power to the people, they wouldn't want to concentrate the monopoly of force under the control of that 1% they say they so despise...

Me, I'd up that by at least two percentage points.


Anonymous said...

You're right; the Leftists are false egalitarians.

Egalitarian is the opposite of hierarchy or despotism. (Yes, biologists use the term "despotism" to describe some social animals behavior.)

Egalitarian simply means nobody Lording-it-Over others.

Egalitarian Non-State sociopolitical typology is the only human society in which humans are observed to be:

"autonomous and sovereign"

Christopher Boehm (1999) Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior. Harvard University Press.

"autonomous and sovereign"

Service, Elman. (1975) Origins of the State and Civilization: The Process of Cultural Evolution. New York, NY: Norton.

The 2A is the Autonomous and Sovereign Clause.
The 2A is the Nobody Lording-It-Over Others Clause.
The 2A is the Egalitarian Clause.

Jefferson knew it. "All men are created equal."

The right needs to quit trying to explain away the plain meaning of Jefferson, seize the science of anthropology and evolutionary biology, and start using it to buttress their position, instead of letting the Fakes have it. Take "Egalitarian" away from them and spank 'em with it. Believe me, they hate it, because they know I'm right when I argue:

The 2A is the Egalitarian Clause.

Anonymous said...

I saw what you did there David, haha!

"Me, I'd up that by at least two percentage points."

