Monday, February 11, 2013

Remedies for Gun Violence

Step One: Start civil war. [Read]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to send Martha a nice email, but the address posted at the bottom bounced back. here is my letter.

Dear Martha,

Your article about remedies only serves to highlight that you, the author, need schooling in the history of the second amendment. I believe though, that you will have received so much hate mail (which this is not) as a result of posting your email address, that my message will simply be deleted in haste.

The framers of the constitution believed that "THE PEOPLE" gave their consent to be governed only with the reservation that the States and the PEOPLE'S militia would take back that consent should the central government usurp its narrowly defined powers. Are you so seriously removed from current events as to not see the expansion one thousand times, nay one million times greater than intended?

Really, what are you basing your statement on when you write, "Sensible gun laws should be concerned with hunters, sporting groups and
some collectors. Only in rare instances are guns needed for protection." Tell that to the woman and her twins in Georgia who hid in a crawl space only to be discovered by an intruder intent on harming her. The second amendment is NOT about duck hunting, and although you may not have been a victim of violence, you do not get to inflict your misguided rules on someone who has.

Do you consider yourself to be a good moral character? Surely, you don't believe that it is morally superior for a woman to die being raped and beaten in an alley rather than defend herself? When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Please read Edwin Vieira’s The Sword and Sovereignty. You may just learn something besides what your narrow policeman grandfather history has afforded you.