Tuesday, February 05, 2013

This Day in History: February 5

The enemy are ‘penetrating this country.’ Lord Cornwallis is at the Trading Ford, preparing to cross the Yadkin River. The American army ‘is collecting at this place; and if the militia will turn out and give support to the army, I have not a single doubt but that we shall be able to stop his [Cornwallis’s] progress.’ The officer is to assemble the militia of Guilford and neighboring counties, with six days provisions. He is to order the county commissioners to send provisions to the army, which ‘is entirely without.’ He is also to send to NG the ‘most intelligible’ man he knows who is ‘well acquainted’ with the roads, distances, and the ‘best settlements and plentifullest place for obtaining provisions.’ The officer should reply as soon as possible.” [More]

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