Thursday, February 28, 2013

Well, This Should End Well

Between this and this, we ought to have all kinds of opportunities to renew demands for "gun control".

This is neither posturing nor absurd, Governor.  This is a premeditated attack, and in-your-face revenge.

This is the same agenda-advancing deliberate indifference for collateral death and suffering that was behind Gunwalker, and I note Arizona has done exactly squat to investigate the feds under state law for their part in criminal activities conducted there.

1 comment:

LordChamp said...

This is simple to fix. The governor should call out the Arizona National Guard and send them to the border to replace the "border guards". Give them instructions to shoot on sight anyone coming across border.

Problem solved and nothing needed from the Feds except to stay out of the way. Which they won't of course.