Friday, March 22, 2013

Feet of Clay

Crash and burn, you dolt. [Read]

I hadn't seen this story from a few weeks back, but had seen plenty of posts touting this guy as the new champion of the right.

Let's be careful who we accept as "conservative heroes."

In the first place, I don't need one.  I'll settle for the same thing Diogenes was looking for.

[Via Luke O]


Radio Patriot said...

I think Dr. Ben Carson is a reasonable and intelligent man who, when educated about the issues, will come around to the proper way of thinking with regard to the 2nd Amendment. I've heard it said that because of his profession, he tends to lean "compassionate". It's a personality trait. But... I have faith that he hasn't thought this gun control issue through, and he when he does, will be as big a proponent of protecting the 2nd Amndt. as we are. In other words, "hope springs eternal."

Crotalus said...

That is NOT a conservative, nor what Diogenes was looking for: an honest man.