Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Durbin shows as much respect for First Amendment as he does for Second

Think who it was who not only filed the initial reports on Fast and Furious “gunwalking,” but who cajoled and wheedled and begged for almost two months to get the media and political establishment to notice. Now recall who did not think the story was particularly noteworthy. 

Reflect on the virtual media blackout for updates on the case of the Reese family. And then remember what they didn’t tell you about John Shipley, or David Olofson, or Lawrence Mirsky or many others.

And if you’ve never heard of Wayne Fincher, don’t blame me. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that what "legitimate media" doesn't report is often as telling as what it does (and how it does it). That "progressive" politicians want to use the power of the state against those it does not favor should be all we need to know about their intentions, and should also be a pretty good indicator of why they demand control of all the guns.

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