Friday, May 10, 2013

The "This Piece of Paper is All You'll Need to Stop 'em in Their Tracks" Act of 2013

From "progressive feminist" Janice Hahn, who would rather see her female constituents raped and murdered than armed everywhere and anywhere a stalker might choose to attack them. [Read]

And the insane thing is, based on election results, most of them agree with her.

I understand there's no text for the bill posted yet, but does it really matter?  What could it possibly say that would refute this assessment?

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

Sad as it is... the Darwin award goes to as many or more women than men. If a woman wants to believe this feminazi BS, and take the chance on rape and murder... well, I feel for their families, but the gene pool doesn't need them.

Someone asked me the other day if I had a "plan" for a possible home invasion. I told him I had several plans... and most involved the first gun I could get my hands on - usually the one holstered on my belt.