Monday, June 24, 2013

A Piercing Question

“They designated the ammunition AP, defined as armor piercing, even though the ammunition being supplied cannot pierce armor.” [More]
Why would they do that?




Crotalus said...

The government is gearing up for war with us.

Matthew said...

What caliber are the rounds? Without that info there's no way to tell if the ruling is contra to existing regs.

The hyperbole of the ammo rep bothers me, nothing about"ap" refers to vehicles, just soft body armor. To say otherwise is to deliberately obscure the issue.

He also apparently doesn't understand that "teflon coating" was the press being stupid back in the day, it was the brass the bullet was made of that gave it vest-defeating capabilities.

Those errors and the failure to supply the only meaningful piece of information, the caliber, gives that rep about zero credebility. Either he or the writer need to learn their jobs better.