Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Game of Our Own?

Oh my... [Watch]

I almost didn't watch just because of the title.  And no, you can't just shoot people until an attack is actually initiated  -- just "feeling" threatened is what Demanding Moms rely on.If I felt threatened, I'd avoid. If I weren't allowed to avoid, well, that would change things.

Still, the guy makes some points and his delivery is unique -- and I have to admit, I laughed out loud a few times. That said, and while some clearly need the plain talk, I realize I'm guilty of a double standard here. I don't think I'd have even watched this through, let alone linked to it here, if the guy were white.

This whole "race" business makes me uncomfortable. I really would like my acceptance of you and your acceptance of me to be based on common values and interests as opposed to outward appearance or heritage. That's what I gravitate toward for those I call "friend."

[Via Neil W]

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