Friday, January 03, 2014

Hello, Mr. Chips

Someone from TriggerSmart has entered the conversation. [More]

Me, I'd rather fall asleep on the couch watching an old movie. If you're on Disqus, feel free to engage without me.


Ed said...

This is just a tip of the iceberg of what is possible to disrupt and abuse this technology by spoofing and jamming:

David Codrea said...

Ned has left a new comment on your post "Federal judge upholding SAFE Act gun ban relied on...":

Ned Weatherby @ TriggerSmart

How many police departments and officers are requesting this tech on their guns?
TriggerSmart @ Ned Weatherby

no police yet...

(The rest of TriggerSmart's comment is remove here as it is a hollow platitude.)Ned

Posted by Ned to The War on Guns at 1/04/2014 8:01 PM