Monday, January 20, 2014

We're the Only Ones Fulfilling Special Needs Enough

Kudos to the vet for refusing to be intimidated into turning over his camera phone. [More]

Now we need to find out who Mr. Clean is.

Start and stop the video during the "punch." He really leaned back for a windup and put his full force behind it. It kind of looks like an elbow to the face instead of a fist.

Why does he think he can get away with such conduct?  Well, if his partner had been doing her job, she'd have arrested him on the spot.

Any bets if we ever see the arrest report she'll have backed him to the hilt?

People are getting awful damn tired of this. And angry.

When they've had enough...

Oh, but that would never happen here.

Just ask Pearl Pearson.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like the female LEO has likely witnessed this from the male LEO before--she doesn't even flinch when he throws the elbow. Sickening.
