Friday, February 21, 2014

Do Not Attempt to Adjust the Picture. We are Controlling Transmission.

Along with everything else, don't forget information and opinion control. [More]

Oh, and look: The one in charge is the daughter of a "powerful" Democrat politician.

"Mignon"?  I guess it's a good thing they weren't eating bacon cheeseburgers that night.

Still, I question what she's actually done in life to give her the operational experience to do any more than take the guided studio tour along with the rest of us, and let's see:
  • She ran a "family-founded newspaper" -- in other words, Daddy got her the job.
  • She "served" on the SC Public Service Commission -- in other words, Daddy got her the job.
Welcome to the meritocracy!

Then I look at what her ruling philosophy is, and that too requires a bit of translation:
  • "When the market is not adequately addressing consumer concerns, Clyburn is an outspoken champion for smart, targeted regulatory action." -- And guess who "the decider" is and what the criteria are.
  • "She has pushed for media ownership rules that reflect the demographics of America, affordable universal telephone and high-speed internet access..." -- You know, race-based redistribution of wealth.
We now return control of your television set to you.

You believe that, don't you?

UPDATE: "FCC 'study' a ruse for gov't control of media."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because the media isn't liberal enough!