Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We're the Only Ones Strong-Arming Enough

No way that wasn't intentional. [Read and watch]

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

A "retired cop"(?) Martin Scott says:

The young man was refusing to comply with the officer, and once again we don't see what happened to cause the officer to subdue him. Officer says "don't move", you don't move. Don't condemn unless you know the whole story.

That's a poor attitude.

Longbow said...

What king of dirtbag thinks to himself, "I know how to get to comply, I'll break his fuckin arm!"

The young man was already on his face and subdued. The cop broke his arm because he WANTED to.

Hey, I know, if "civilians" don't wanna submit and comply, we could start cuttin off fingers!