Monday, May 26, 2014

And the Hate-Filled Loons Come Out

Thanks for confirming everything I said!

Here are a few of the more amusing, satisfying, and most importantly, corroborating responses:


Ned said...

I read the comment “Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA,” quoted by Richard Martinez in some Santa Barbara online publication.

The next day, in USA Today, I read about the family reporting him to the police months ago because of his You Tube an other loony ravings.

But this is somehow all the fault of the NRA - you know - all those members who never commit mass murder.

When my 18 year old brother was murdered as a pedestrian by a repeat offender drunken driver, I never heard my mother or father blame Ford Motor Company, or the evil TRIPLE A.

Anonymous said...

And according to various news sources, he also used (depending on the report) a hammer, a machete, or a knife to kill his roommates before heading out to do some shooting. Along the way he also used his BMW to slam into bikers and skateboarders.

But all we hear are cries for more gun control...