Saturday, May 24, 2014

Santa Barbara killer’s family ‘staunchly anti-gun’

Lawyer Alan Shifman, who represents killer Elliot Rodger’s father, director Peter Rodger, “said the family is ‘staunchly against guns’ and supports gun-control laws,” the report revealed. [More]

This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report looks at what happens when the product of an anti-gun family ignores a host of “gun control” laws in a state rated tops by the citizen disarmament demanders.


Crotalus said...

And one of the victim's father once again begins the Danse Macabre in the victims' blood, blaming the NRA for madness in that gun ban capital, the PDRK, where the NRA has no influence.

Obscene bastard!

Anonymous said...

Staunchly anti-gun, .... for everyone
aren't they always. ...
See how well that worked out and
let it be a warning.