Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A Prozi By Any Other Name

...we should start using "liberal" to designate the good guys on the left... [More]
Oh, and who would those be?

Figures WSJ would feature LINOs along with their RINOs.


The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

Wait wait wait....aren't you the guy with "VLLA SELLA IN PVGNA IN TABERNA" on his website somewhere? To the extent that you can find grounds of agreement to advance your agenda with the help of the other side - wouldn't that be a useful barstool? Or are you going to insist on ideological purity as well as satisfactory results? I would offer, for your consideration, that that's sort of being on track for getting somebody ELSE'S barstool upside YOUR head.... ;-)

Note, by the way and before you start tossing the LINO label around, that Mr. Murray does point out he's not particularly in agreement with the Liberal position on a "living Constitution," for instance...

David Codrea said...

I'm going to insist on purity, principles freak SNBIer that I am. Not being "particularly in agreement" with something that enables tyranny is hardly a sterling testimony to principle.

I'll pick my own bar stools, thank you, depending on the situation and what I find within reach that I deem useful and deployable, but actions taken under duress, just like promises made, hardly bind me when I'm not.

The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

But then you should say "ELECTVS SELLA IN PVGNA IN TABERNA" for accuracy's sake. :D