Monday, July 14, 2014

A Reversal of Reality

“That’s exactly the reverse of reality,” Blumenauer said. “Our continued reliance on single-occupant vehicles in too much of America and on gallons of fuel consumed to pay for it places rural and small town Americans at a significant disadvantage, because today too many of them have no alternatives to driving. [More]
Figures this blather would come from a doctrinaire Prozi via the Center for American Progress, where every day is Opposite Day.

Just so we're clear: An Oregon Bolshevik wants more (and eventually all) disarmed subjects economically forced out of their cars and riding on public transportation.  Where the  only ones who can be armed guessed it. And fortunately, they know when not to shoot, like when they lock themselves away from harm and watch a passenger get stabbed (and then claim credit for a collar made by the victim). Which is not to say they can't spring into action when circumstances warrant.  Right, Oscar?

Earl Blumenauer: There's a man of the people for ya!

Talk about a reversal of reality.

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