Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tribe Time

Insightful analysis from 2006 just brought to my attention... [More

Yeah, Saddam was a murderous bastard, but he was a containable murderous bastard. Under his tyranny, Al Qaeda and ISIL and the rest did not dare operate, because they'd have ended up getting their vital organs ripped out in Uday and Qusay's torture chambers.

This business of thinking we can bring "democracy" to a hostile alien culture that views us as infidels to be conquered, enslaved or killed, and live forever in "kumbayah" harmony, is something only childish useful idiots believe. The cynical minds behind promulgating that line know full well what the score is.

It looks like they're doing their best to do the same thing to Bashar.

[Via Robert F]

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