Friday, August 01, 2014

Why Not Offer a 'Third Way' to Let Doctors Ask About Guns?

"Progressives" love "third way" proposals, if nothing else to get people's guard down on matters of principle and let the camel slip its nose under the tent, so if they're to be consistent, they ought to love this idea. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert offers a prescription for immunizing gun owners against agenda-driven gun quacks in states that have not yet enacted appropriate boundary violation protections.


FedUp said...

Why not offer official AAP certification and training in anti-gun counseling?

I wouldn't put it past them. Josh Sugarmann could teach a seminar at AAP conferences.

MamaLiberty said...

Why not simply tell the doc "none of your business?" That is, if you actually NEED to see a doctor. Much of this problem would be solved if people just quit running to doctors for everything, and nothing, and stopped seeing them as a legitimate authority figure.