Friday, October 10, 2014

The "Experts" Agree

At several points during the altercation, Leedom held the knife to her throat and head. It was during one of these instances that Leedom's wife fired the fatal shot. [More]
Now wait just a damn minute here.

The New York Times tells us:
In domestic violence situations, the risk of homicide for women increased eightfold when the abuser had access to firearms...
The Atlantic chimes in:
Having a Gun in the House Doesn't Make a Woman Safer
The Los Angeles Times agrees:
For women, guns in the home prove especially deadly
So who you gonna believe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But, But. BUT! Women are a danger to abusive Husbands ... if the gun had been banned he would not have been shot!

The beatings could have peacefully continued ... Opposite Day ...