Thursday, October 09, 2014

This Day in History: October 9

However necessary my retirement from the service may be to the Reestablishment of my health, & support of a numerous family, I cannot without real concern and regret, (at this time especially,) quit a service in which I have from principle and the warmest attachment been engaged from the commencement of the War; But finding it utterly incompatible with my felicity to continue longer amongst a Sett of Officers, combined against me either thro’ envy or from an unjustifiable ardency for promotion, and with whom I can’t preserve that harmony which ever ought to Subsist Amongst Officers; I must request Your Excellency will be pleased to accept of my resignation, & likewise trust your Excellency will Afford me admission equally honorable, with the testimonials of Approbation I’ve here-to-fore received, for my Services. [More]

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