Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lies, Damned Lies and Anti-Gun "Statistics"

John Lott addresses the "More Guns/More Crime" lie the antis have dusted off, updated and are presenting as a definitive "new" debunking. [More]

I stipulate statistical analyses have always left my eyes glazed over. I can still recall pulling an all-nighter, reading the same page over and over again in preparation for an economics midterm, frustrated as hell that I may as well have been trying to translate Martian hieroglyphs. I'm sure if I'd been born decades later, I'd have been diagnosed with ADD. If something doesn't interest me, it's indecipherable, and if something does interest me, grasping and retention borders on instantaneous and photographic. Sometimes that can be a blessing, other times not so much.

That said, I'd like to see a chart showing the number of gundupes personally willing to lead confiscation raids, and maybe another one showing the number of gun owners they'd personally like to see broken and/or destroyed.

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