Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The Adventures of Captain Freedom

A California state senator who resigned his seat after being convicted of eight counts of perjury and voter fraud and sentenced to 90 days in prison has been freed before he even entered the jail system. [More]
Our hero!  (Gosh -- so giving in-your-face fraudulent ratings isn't something new?)

Some "loyalists" got a might peeved at me for that post.  Some were actually livid.  But the Captain never let a little thing like blind apologia get in the way of an agenda.  Thing is, now that he's a "prohibited person," he's hoist with his own petard.

Ah well -- it could have been worse:
After his conviction, Wright faced up to eight years in prison, but in September, a judge sentenced him to just 90 days and barred him from ever holding public office again.
Thank goodness he received no special favors!

1 comment:

Archer said...

So what's the over-under on his appealing and getting that "barred from holding public office" thing overturned?

Just wondering....