Thursday, November 20, 2014

We're the Only Ones Irresistable Enough

An Oklahoma City police officer accused of sexually assaulting 13 women while on duty will face trial for 35 felony counts including rape and sexual assault, court officials said on Wednesday. [More]
So following the "logic" of the antis, if an armed woman had blown this guy ...away, would they consider it an act of insurrection?


rkshanny said...

"Amerika's finest" . . . Cro Magnon!

Anonymous said...

I long for the old days when somebody like him would already be room temp.

Anonymous said...

Similarly, should this cop have been shot to deter him from raping one of his victims, would we not hear criticism of the victim that she should just do as she was told, obey the rapist cop, and wait to have her day in court?


Jeffersonian said...

How many of his "Brothers in Blue" knew and did nothing?